Maintaining your healthy smile requires routine dental care at home, including brushing and flossing. However, in order to make your oral care routine complete, a dentist needs to examine and perform comprehensive cleanings of your teeth and gums. Not only can you expect to leave the dental office feeling refreshed following your checkup and cleaning, but you can gain true peace of mind knowing that your short-term and long-term oral health are protected by Dr. Nelson Y. Howard and his team with regular visits for preventive dentistry in Rancho Bernardo, CA.
One of the most effective ways to prevent tooth decay, cavities, gum disease, and other dental illnesses is through dedicated checkups and cleanings at our dental office! Not only can we clean the spaces you’ll likely find too difficult to reach on your own, but we can confirm no underlying problems are present and address them if needed. During your teeth cleaning, we’ll carefully remove any plaque or tartar you see as well as make sure no oral manifestations have developed.
Dentists like Dr. Howard are actually in a very unique position to catch other systemic illnesses outside of cavities and gum disease. This includes oral cancer, a condition that will be diagnosed in over 50,000 people every year. During our visual exam, we utilized high power magnification to examine areas of your mouth for any early warning signs, including red or white patches of tissue or sores that do not seem to heal. From there, we can partner you with a general physician if necessary.
Fluoride can be found in many different places other than your oral care products. For example, it can be found in the foods you enjoy as well as your public drinking water. Fluoride is a mineral that’s very important to enamel health and protection, which is why we often recommended for both young and older patients alike. In just a few minutes, we can apply the fluoride material to your teeth, give it time to strengthen and protect your enamel between dental checkups.
Waking up with jaw soreness, tooth pain, or a smile that appears worn down is not normal. In fact, it’s likely a sign that you have a teeth grinding and clenching habit (a condition known as bruxism) that can permanently affect your enamel health. With a custom-made nightguard designed by our dental office, you can protect your smile throughout the night and give your jaw the rest it needs, just like you do. Keep in mind that our professionally-made nightguards far surpass what you’ll find over-the-counter in terms of comfort, durability, and effectiveness.
Learn More About TMJ Treatment
With so many oral care products on the shelves these days, it can be difficult to know for sure which ones are right for you. We’re happy to provide recommendations for patients who need guidance, especially when traditional over-the-counter options don’t seem to meet their standards. For example, we may recommend Flouridex toothpaste or Breath-Rx mouthwash, which are prescription toothpastes and mouth rinses for stronger protection against cavities. Certain products may also be better for those with sensitive teeth or difficultly controlling tartar development.