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Cosmetic Dentistry: How It Can Take Years Off Your Smile

August 11, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchobernardo @ 1:37 pm
older woman smiling with arms crossed

While looking through old family photos, you’re probably shocked to see just how much your smile has changed over the years. If your teeth are now discolored, dingy, or worn-down, you likely feel self-conscious and try to hide them as often as possible. Although you can’t prevent the effects of aging, your cosmetic dentist can help you get the pearly whites you’ve always wanted. Read along to learn how cosmetic dentistry can make you look younger.


A Guide to Dental Implant Terms That You Should Know

July 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchobernardo @ 10:50 pm
Dental implant

Fortunately, losing a tooth no longer means that you need to go the rest of your life without it. There are numerous tooth replacement options out there to help people get their smiles back. Dental implants are a preferred option because of their numerous benefits. Before committing to this treatment option, you want to be well informed and that means knowing some of the common terms associated with dental implants. Here are a handful of them.


Cosmetic Dentistry: Then & Now

June 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchobernardo @ 2:08 pm
a person smiling and sitting in a chair in front of a window

The modern idea of cosmetic dentistry has only been around for several decades. Before that, the dental field was primarily focused on preserving and strengthening teeth to ensure their function. If you’re considering a professional teeth whitening treatment or porcelain veneers, it’s fun to know how these treatments evolved over the years. Read on to learn about when cosmetic dentistry was just a seedling of an idea, to how dentists all over the world are doing ground-breaking smile transformations that are changing lives.


Boost Your Confidence This Summer with These 3 Cosmetic Dental Treatments

May 27, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchobernardo @ 3:43 pm
couple smiling on the beach after seeing their cosmetic dentist

Summer is practically here, which means it’s time to get ready for backyard barbecues, lounging by the pool, or even taking a trip to the beach. You’re looking forward to seeing your loved ones, but if you’re self-conscious about your teeth, you might be dreading all of the pictures and videos they’re going to take. That’s where your cosmetic dentist is here to help! No matter which flaws your teeth may have, there are ways of helping you overcome them. Here are three cosmetic dental treatments that can give you the confident smile you want this summer.


4 Cosmetic Dentistry Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

April 29, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchobernardo @ 3:50 pm
man pointing to his smile

Have you ever felt so self-conscious of your teeth that you covered them with your lips or hand so other people wouldn’t see them? Maybe you avoided smiling in public altogether. Despite this, chances are you’ve never considered cosmetic dentistry as a solution due to the negative perceptions about it. While these misconceptions may have been true at one point, many of them are simply false today. Read on as we set the record straight about some of the most common cosmetic dentistry myths.


3 Oral Hygiene Tips to Boost Your Immune System

April 7, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchobernardo @ 3:53 pm
woman brushing her teeth to boost her immune system

Ever since the Covid-19 pandemic began last year, people have been doing everything they can to boost their immune systems. It makes sense; you naturally want to keep yourself safe. But making your immune system stronger doesn’t have to involve taking strange supplements or implementing weird habits. Often, it can be as simple as maintaining a good dental hygiene routine. Read on to learn three simple tips for keeping your mouth – and the rest of your body – healthy. 


5 Popular Trends That Negatively Affect Your Teeth

March 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchobernardo @ 7:32 pm
Woman brushing her teeth with activated charcoal

There are all sorts of new fads that are circulating online all the time. However, the internet is also a place where there are heaps of misinformation. It can be difficult to tell the difference between a helpful hack and something that can actually be quite dangerous. You don’t want to try out a popular trend only to discover that you are harming your smile. Here are some fads that are bad for your teeth so that you know to avoid them.


How Will Dental Implants Feel in Your Mouth?

February 11, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchobernardo @ 3:58 pm
Dental implant post being placed in mouth

Despite how useful they are, you would probably never confuse partial or full dentures for real teeth. Aside from the fact that they’re removable, you’ll definitely notice the differences whenever you try to eat something hard to chew or when your new teeth start rubbing uncomfortably against the gums because they don’t fit properly anymore. Dental implants are often said to be the closest thing to getting your real teeth back; will they feel any more comfortable and natural in your mouth? In this post, you’ll learn more about what the implant experience is really like.


7 Reasons to Not Skip Out on Your Dental Checkups

January 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchobernardo @ 6:54 pm
date of dental checkup circled in blue on calendar

Going to the dentist isn’t most people’s idea of fun. Because of this, it can be all too easy to put off seeing your dentist until you have a serious toothache. However, avoiding routine checkups and cleanings can end up spelling disaster for your smile. Here are seven reasons why you should keep up with two dental checkups and cleanings every year.


Why There’s No Need to Be Embarrassed at the Dentist

January 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchobernardo @ 6:48 pm
smiling woman talking to her dentist

Some people avoid going to the dentist because of anxiety or traumatic experiences in the past. However, many others hesitate to get the dental care they need because they’re worried about being judged for the state of their teeth. If you’re ashamed of your dental habits or what your teeth look like, you may feel embarrassed at the dentist, especially if it has been a long time since your last appointment. Truthfully, there’s no reason to feel this way. Here are five reasons why visiting your dentist is nothing to be ashamed of.

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