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3 Kinds of Tooth Stains and How to Remove Them

August 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchobernardo @ 3:47 am
Close-up of types of tooth stains

Like most people, you probably think all tooth stains are the same. After all, aren’t they caused by the same issues, even if they differ a bit in color? However, the truth is quite the opposite: There are three types of tooth stains, each with unique causes. Therefore, you need to know their differences to get proper treatment. Luckily, your San Diego dentist is here to help you. Read on to learn about different tooth stains and how to remove them.


What Are Dangers of DIY Teeth Whitening?

July 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchobernardo @ 12:43 am
lemon juice

Discoloration of teeth happens over time, especially if you frequently partake in items like red wine, coffee, and tea. Even so, you probably still would like to flash a gleaming white smile instead of being self-conscious about the change. No wonder you see so many techniques online for DIY teeth whitening. Unfortunately, a lot of these “hacks” can put your oral health at risk. Continue reading to learn about the dangers of DIY whitening in Rancho Bernardo from your cosmetic dentist.


How Cosmetic Dental Treatments Can Aid Career Progression

June 16, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchobernardo @ 4:02 pm
person with nice smile at job interview

When it comes to having a lovely smile, white, uniform teeth are a big part of things. After years of wear, tear, and consuming dark or highly pigmented beverages, your smile will start to show signs of aging and will no longer look as lovely as it once did. That’s where cosmetic dentistry comes in. It includes a range of treatments that can improve the look of your smile. Though cosmetic dental treatments can help you feel more confident in your pearly whites, that isn’t the only perk it offers. Read on to learn about how having a nice smile can improve your chances of landing the job of your dreams.


What Causes Yellow Teeth & How Can I Whiten Them?

June 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchobernardo @ 4:29 pm
Side by side comparison of stained teeth and whitened teeth.

Is your smile stained, yellow, and a source of embarrassment? Don’t worry—you aren’t alone, and your situation isn’t hopeless! Many people are saddened by the state of their smiles, but fortunately, cosmetic dentistry can offer many solutions that are certain to whiten your pearly whites and get your smile back on track. Keep reading to learn more about some of the common causes of yellow teeth and what you can do to whiten them safely and effectively.


Why You Should Brush Your Teeth Before Breakfast

May 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchobernardo @ 8:43 am
Young man brushing his teeth

After waking up in the morning, many people decide to brush their teeth after breakfast. The thought is that doing so cleans leftover food from your mouth and freshens your breath. Having your morning meal cling to your gums for hours doesn’t sound appealing. However, where does that leave brushing your teeth before breakfast?

Your Rancho Bernardo dentist has the answer. Listed below is a summary of why you should brush before breakfast, avoid brushing after it, and practice proper brushing tips.


3 Mouth-Healthy Foods Good for Your Teeth

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchobernardo @ 8:35 am
Close-up of healthy foods

You probably already know that certain foods can hurt your oral health. Your parents may have told you during childhood that sugar causes cavities and tooth decay. You also might’ve heard that some drinks have acid that can wear teeth down. However, did you know that there are foods that can help your teeth and gums too?

Here’s a summary of three foods that benefit your oral health from your Rancho Bernardo dentist. Consider them the next time you go out to eat!


Helpful Tips for Eliminating Coffee Breath

April 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchobernardo @ 9:09 pm
Woman smiling and drinking coffee.

Are you a regular coffee fiend? Does that daily cup (or pot) of Joe fuel and sustain you throughout the day? Many of us enjoy coffee regularly, but the bad breath that it causes is unenjoyable for you and those around you. Here’s a look into why coffee can cause your breath to stink, and some tips from your dentist for combating it.


Why Is My Dentist Taking My Blood Pressure?

April 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchobernardo @ 5:49 pm
Dentist taking blood pressure of patient.

Most of the time, we know what to expect when we visit the dentist’s office. You’ll arrive, fill out some paperwork, and after a brief stint in the waiting room, your appointment usually begins. However, you might be surprised to see your dentist taking your blood pressure prior to looking inside of your mouth. Here’s some insight into the reasoning behind this extra step and why it greatly benefits the care your dentist can provide.


Gum Disease: Can It Cause High Blood Pressure?

March 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchobernardo @ 9:01 pm
image of high blood pressure gauge

When it comes to maintaining good overall health, your blood pressure level is extremely important. Your heart pumps blood throughout your body via the arteries, providing essential nutrients and oxygen to your vital organs—even your gums. While there are various reasons you can get high blood pressure, did you know gum disease is one of them? Read on to learn how periodontal disease can cause hypertension and how to prevent it!


What Can I Do About My Small Teeth?

February 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchobernardo @ 8:48 pm
dentist patient teeth x-ray

Beavers have incisors that grow continuously throughout their life, so their habit of chewing through hard objects like trees helps to trim their teeth down. That seems like a lot to have to deal with, but some people face the opposite predicament. They have teeth they consider to be too small and wish they would start growing once again. Teeth that develop small or only appear littler than average are the sign of a condition called microdontia. This can affect a single tooth or all of them, and it is a hereditary condition. Keep reading to learn some reasons adults can have small teeth in Rancho Bernardo and ways your cosmetic dentist can help.

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