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4 Things Not to Put in Your Mouth to Avoid a Dental Emergency

May 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchobernardo @ 3:07 pm
person with dental emergency holding face in pain

From childhood, you’ve likely been reminded of the importance of brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing nightly to prevent gum disease, cavities, and other oral issues. However, maintaining a healthy smile goes beyond these basics. It’s crucial to avoid certain foods and items that could lead to a dental emergency. Read on to discover four things you should refrain from putting in your mouth to protect your dental health.

#1: Lemons and Limes

For many, sucking on a slice of lemon or lime offers a refreshing, tart sensation, especially on a warm day. While it may seem harmless to indulge in sour citrus occasionally, both lemons and limes are highly acidic. This acid can erode tooth enamel and increase the risk of cavities. It’s better to add lemon or lime to beverages and follow up with water to mitigate potential damage to your smile.

#2: Ice Cubes

Instead of opting for lemons or limes, some individuals prefer chewing on ice cubes to cool off on hot days. However, this habit can be detrimental to your teeth, potentially causing cracks or breaks. Chewing ice may also indicate underlying iron deficiency anemia.

Additionally, non-food items like pens and pencils can pose risks to your dental health. To safeguard your smile, consider chewing sugar-free gum or sucking on sugarless hard candy as alternatives.

#3: Fingernails

Between 20 and 30% of Americans engage in nail biting, often as a nervous habit that may indicate mental or emotional distress. Some people bite their nails out of hunger or boredom, which can cause cracks, chips, or premature tooth wear. It also introduces harmful bacteria and germs into the mouth.

To avoid harming your smile, opt for healthy snacks like apple slices, carrot sticks, or celery to keep your mouth occupied. If nail biting is linked to mental or emotional issues, consider speaking with a mental health professional for support.

#4: Hard Candy

Even though hard candy is designed to dissolve slowly in your mouth, some people crunch it up out of impatience. This can cause damage to your teeth, leaving behind cracks or fractures. Hard candy is also high in sugar, which feeds cavity-causing bacteria. To protect your teeth, allow the candy to dissolve slowly in your mouth. Choose sugar-free options, as they are less harmful to your dental health.

There are various unsuspected foods and items that can damage your smile and potentially cause a dental emergency. If you need assistance in quitting harmful habits or finding alternatives, inform your dentist. They are dedicated to helping you make better choices for maintaining a healthy smile!

About the Practice

Dr. Nelson Howard and his team are experts in enhancing smiles across all ages, providing a comprehensive array of services. Their friendly oral health experts prioritize your comfort and confidence throughout your treatment process. They offer valuable guidance on avoiding items that can harm your teeth and maintaining a healthy smile. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Howard or learn more about dental implant surgery, please contact their Rancho Bernardo office at (858) 451-0550, their San Marcos office at (760) 599-6559, or visit their website.

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