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Can Receded Gums Grow Back?

June 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchobernardo @ 12:16 am
person wondering if gums grow back

Gums play a crucial role in maintaining the stability of our teeth by forming a tight seal around them, acting as a protective barrier against bacteria. When gums recede, it indicates an underlying issue and leaves your smile vulnerable to damage. Now, you might be curious: can gums grow back after they have receded? Continue reading to find out the answer to this question, along with the possible causes of gum recession and available treatment options.


Which Toothpaste for Veneers Is Best?

June 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchobernardo @ 12:10 am
person using toothpaste for veneers to brush teeth

Many people have expressed their concern about feeling dissatisfied with their pearly whites, which could be a result of cracks, chips, or gaps, along with other aesthetic imperfections. There can be various reasons why you may be interested in an upgrade to your beam. Luckily, porcelain veneers present an excellent solution to address these concerns. These versatile cosmetic dental treatments are well-known for their ability to effectively resolve a wide range of dental issues while enhancing the visual appeal of your smile. To ensure your veneers maintain their long-lasting beauty, it’s crucial to care for them properly, so continue reading to discover how to choose the ideal toothpaste for them.
